This site was built & is maintained by me, Ray K (in the pic below), a former radio jock, club DJ, and longtime collector (since the 1970’s) of vinyl records. Here you’ll find links to cool vinyl record stuff (check out my store – you’ll LOVE it), listings of vinyl record shows around the country, and also some links to some other really neat vinyl record sites and stores. I hope you like VinylTimes. If you do, please let your friends know about it. I’d appreciate it. And if you’d like to listen to some great music taken from the original vinyl records, tune into our streaming vinyl radio station Vinyl Times Radio – 24/7 60’s thru 80’s music. Now THAT’S groovy! For now, enjoy browsing the site. Another quick note, in the 70’s I was in the USAF and worked as a military broadcaster (remember the movie “Good Morning Vietnam”?). So, if you’re an AFRTS (Armed Forces Radio & Television Service) and/or DINFOS alum, drop me a line. |